Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Positive Impact Of A Mentor

There is probably no single factor that will lead to your long-term success in your network marketing/MLM enterprise than the positive impact of a mentor. Having a strong and knowledgeable mentor with excellent interpersonal communication skills will literally cut months, if not years, off your learning curve.

It is worth the extra energy to seek out a mentor with impeccable coaching skills who will show you what it takes to get to the top of your field. This strategy is universal and not only applies to networking, but in all areas of life in which we wish to excel. What better way to achieve excellence than to acquire a mentor who is respected and considered a true professional in our field. Any time spent with such a person can only add value to your training. The mentor doesn't even have to be there in person, but present himself by way of CD, DVD, tape, book, blog, webinar, email, phone, or any other form of communication where you are in a position to learn what he has to teach.

You can literally turn your car into a drive-time university by turning off the radio and listening to a personal development tape series or anything else that will stretch you and make you grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. Instead of watching TV, watch something uplifting by one of your mentors that will keep your mind sharp and on the cutting edge of what is working in your chosen company. If you get to spend personal time with your mentor, take him/her out to lunch or for a cup of coffee and take out a pen to take copious notes. That is not the time to trust your memory!

Most importantly, start to implement the new strategies learned as soon as possible to grow your business exponentially. Notes that are sitting around collecting dust will do you no good at all, regardless of how effective they may be. Use these simple strategies to take your business to the next level.

Take Care and Take Charge,

Scotty Wilson

Monday, November 24, 2008

Prinsip Kekayaan DiBongkar

Ramai orang yang tidak perasan bahawa orang kaya tidak seperti orang biasa.

Mereka mempunyai prinsip hidup yang mudah tetapi sukar dicapai oleh orang
biasa. Mereka sanggup bersusah susah dahulu sebelum mencapai kesenangan pada
masa akan datang.

Mereka merupakan seorang yang penjimat dan suka menyimpan. Kebanyakkan daripada
mereka mempunyai matlamat yang jelas; mereka tahu dengan tepat berapa banyak
yang mereka mahukan dan berapa lama ianya boleh dicapai. Orang kaya tahu RM1000
yang disimpan pada hari ini boleh membesar sepanjang hidup mereka.

Di sini saya membongkar 12 prinsip kekayaan yang boleh anda ikut:

1. Mereka rancangkan kejayaan mereka. Mereka menyematkan matlamat berapakah
pendapatan yang diperlukan, mereka tahu berapa banyak yang perlu disimpan
dibank setiap tahun, dan mereka tahu berapa banyak modal yang diperlukan
untuk persaraan. Adalah satu kemestian bahawa jumlah tersebut ditulis dengan
jelas, kerana ia menjadi asas untuk tindakan. Dengan memberi tumpuan kepada
matlamat sekarang tidak akan menjejaskan jika terdapat sebarang halangan.

2. Mereka merancang dan bertindak. Mereka membuat satu simpanan tetap dan
terus menyimpan setiap bulan tanpa henti.

3. Orang kaya mempunyai disiplin. Mereka bertindak mengikut rancangan matlamat
dan mengelakkan mengambil wang dari simpanan persaraan. Mereka tahu mengambil
wang dari simpanan persaraan seperti “mencuri” daripada masa depan mereka.

4. Mereka membuat perlindungan daripada bencana. Ini bermakna mereka mengambil
insuran untuk melindungi diri daripada kehilangan aset penting seperti rumah
atau kereta. Mereka juga mengambil insuran perlindungan diri sebagai persediaan
jika terjadi sebarang bencana keatas diri sendiri.

5. Mereka cuba mengelakkan hutang. Seorang pengurus kewangan yang bijak cuba
untuk mengelakkan hutang dan membayar dengan lebih awal jika boleh.

6. Mereka menjadikan pendapatan sementara kepada tetap dengan menyimpan dengan

7. Mereka berjimat keatas setiap ringgit yang dibelanjakan.

8. Mereka benci berbelanja.

9. Mereka sukakan menyimpan. Mereka tahu setiap wang yang disimpan akan
memberikan hasil yang lumayan pada masa depan.

10. Mereka terus belajar daripada guru-guru yang sudah berjaya, oleh itu mereka
akan lebih berjaya.

11. Mereka mempunyai sikap positif tentang wang. Mereka bukan seorang yang tamak
atau menjadi hamba kepada duit sehingga melupakan tanggungjawab kepada Tuhan.

12. Mereka selalu mencari peluang untuk membuat wang dan menyimpan sebanyak
yang boleh.

Jumpa lagi dengan rahsia kekayaan yang lain!

How My Millionaire Mentor Helps Me Think and Grow Rich

This article is about my millionaire mentor who helps me think and grow rich. He started out in debt with no job. Now he is a self made multi millionaire. A wise person once said 'You lead by example'. The best way to learn how to make a success of your life is to find someone that has already done it. That's what I did. He helped me in many ways in wealth creation.

A good millionaire mentor quotes lots of facts. Here is a quote from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. In Australia by age 65, 96% of the population will be dead or dead broke. 3% will have financial independence, 1% will be rich. These statistics hit you like being slapped across the face with a bar of cold steel. When my mentor shared this with me I went into a state of shock. That was a good thing because it made me think. Then I took action because I didn't want to be in the 96% group who are dead or dead broke. Doesn't sound like much fun. Let me explain how I used this information to my benefit and how you can too.

A coach shows you in such a way that it challenges, stretches, and sometimes even shocks you. Believe it or not you benefit from this. Eventually you come out of the experience having accomplished a lot more. This is why not having a coach is a huge disadvantage. The above quoted Australian Bureau of Statistics facts was used by my mentor to inspire me to take action. This is a classic use of the Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NLP ) technique called interrupting someone's pattern. A pattern interrupt is another name for it. It is achieved by experiencing a jolt or shock. Something out of the ordinary has an emotional impact which in turn interrupts behaviour. A good coach can use this to achieve positive results with who they are mentoring.

Another avenue my mentor opened up for me was my subconscious mind. The subconscious mind contains many drives and beliefs about money. I discovered many limiting beliefs in my subconscious about money. So I started to dig. What I found were many fears and beliefs that did not serve me. The subconscious mind is a vast and powerful part of the mind and it pays you to know about it. However it is ignored for the most part. It can be used to work for you to your benefit. My mentor showed me how to do this in a practical way that gave results.

Did my millionaire mentor really help me make money? The answer is yes. Personally my awareness on the value of saving increased. So I saved more. My financial intelligence increased. So I purchased assets that only go up in value. My mentor gave me an education that will last for life.

In the final analysis a good millionaire mentor helps you solve problems. They don't do it for you but they do open up a new world of possibility and opportunity. They do this through their coaching and communication with you. If your bank balance increases as a result of the association, isn't that what finding a millionaire mentor is all about?

James Cassa - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sikap yang perlu ada untuk berjaya

"Anda seorang yang telah pun berpengalaman di dalam perniagaan internet?"

Saya pasti anda selalu menerima emel yang bunyinya seakan-akan sebegini… Jika anda baru lagi dengan bisnes internet ini, tunggu dan lihat nanti.

  • "bagaimana saya boleh menjana pendapatan di internet secara mudah dan cepat?"
  • "saya tak ada kad kredit, bagaimana saya hendak menyertainya?"
  • "boleh tak saya datang rumah awak untuk belajar? saya tak ada laptop lagi tapi saya boleh bawa thumb drive…" (kisah benar)
  • " ada tak cara dapat duit dengan senang ? tapi tidak menggunakan kad kredit ? Sebab saya tak ada kad kredit.."
  • "saya nak nombor telefon saudara untuk belajar bisnes internet."
  • dan banyak lagi…

Kesimpulannya, ramai yang mahukan pendapatan melalui internet tetapi tidak ramai yang mempunyai mentaliti untuk menjana sebarang pendapatan di internet.

Lihatlah sendiri contoh emel yang saya dapat di atas. Kebanyakkannya cuma inginkan jalan mudah untuk mendapat kejayaan. Ya, memang ada yang berjaya mendapat pulangan lumayan dalam masa yang singkat tapi ianya tidak benar untuk kebanyakkan orang.

Bukan setakat itu sahaja, ada yang tiada hormat langsung apabila bertanyakan sesuatu kepada saya. Adakah ini ciri-ciri orang yang perlukan bantuan? Selalunya emel sebegini akan masuk ke dalam "tong sampah maya" saya sahaja tanpa sebarang jawapan kerana sikap orang yang bertanya itu sendiri.

Topik ini memang tidak membincangkan bagaimana anda boleh menjana pendapatan di Internet tetapi ianya lebih kepada menjiwai diri anda sendiri tentang betapa pentingnya mempunyai jati diri, mentaliti dan juga keupayaan membina perniagaan internet.

Beberapa butir penting yang saya boleh rumuskan di sini:

  • Hormat kepada orang yang anda hendak ditanya. Berikan soalan yang ringkas tetapi cukup informasi untuk dijawab oleh "mentor" anda.
  • Jika soalannya mudah, cari sendiri jawapannya. Internet adalah sumber ilmu yang terbentang luas. Forum perbincangan juga merupakan sumber yang baik.
  • Laburkan sedikit wang untuk diri anda. Contohnya, sudah banyak orang membincangkan pasal PayPal, E-gold, Liberty Reserve dan matawang digital lain Jangan disebabkan anda ingin terlalu berjimat untuk ilmu sebegini sehingga mengganggu masa orang lain dengan soalan anda.
  • Tiada jalan pintas untuk berjaya. Kadang-kadang anda akan gagal beberapa kali sebelum melihat kejayaan kecil anda buat pertama kalinya. Jadi jangan berputus asa dan bersedia untuk gagal.
  • Jangan lupa mantapkan diri anda dengan ilmu teknikal dan "soft-skills". Ingat! Perniagaan internet juga melibatkan orang dan anda perlukan jaringan usahawan yang berjaya di kemudian hari.

Akhir sekali…

  • Ramai yang mahukan pendapatan dari Internet tapi… cuma yang layak sahaja akan memperolehinya, isilah borang yang telah kami sediakan didalam replikasi dibawah ini ada banyak lagi faedah yang akan dapat anda lihat... Ok! all the best semoga anda sukses...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Finding A Millionaire Mentor To Help You Achieve Financial Independence

In order to reach ratified air and become a millionaire, I highly recommend you find yourself a millionaire mentor. Don not beat around the bush trying to find ways to become wealthy, instead find a millionaire mentor.

Where do you find a millionaire mentor? Great question and I will address your important question.

One of the best ways to find a millionaire mentor is to take the direct approach. Identify someone in your sphere of influence and or local community, call them and ask to take them to lunch or to have a cup of coffee.

Perhaps you will contact a entrepreneur, doctor, lawyer, investment analyst, banker, or a CEO of a company. The bottom line is, there are a lot of millionaires and you simply have to take the initiative to schedule a meeting to network with and request they mentor you. It is understood it takes a team to become a millionaire. Ensure the first team member is a millionaire. Why?

Where are you trying to get to? Millionaire status is the correct answer.

There is no better way to become a millionaire than being mentored by one, because they have been where you are trying to go. What do you request of the millionaire mentor? After the millionaire accepts your request for mentorship, simply learn everything you can about being a millionaire. Take into consideration your values should align with your mentor and if they do not, I highly recommend you find a millionaire with similar values.

One of the first things you will learn about millionaires is they think differently. In other words, they thoroughly enjoy being rich and do not allow triviality to get in the way of what they are trying to achieve.

Limitations, setbacks and the quicksand of life are mere momentary obstacles waiting to be overcome by persistence and perseverance. The key consideration to keep in mind is how millionaires think.

Millionaires who lose all of their money know how to become millionaires again and again because they know how to do it. Millionaires have the knowledge, wisdom, and skills to get knocked down financially and get back up to reclaim what it meant for them.

Make no mistake about it, your quickest path to wealth is finding a millionaire with similar values as yours and learning everything you can learn from them. You will get to the next level of your financial independence by finding a millionaire mentor.

Paul Lawrence Van is Founder and CEO of the Wealth Building Academy. His company delivers world class training, workshops, boot camps and consulting to individuals and organizations. Wealth Building Academy staff host grant training, pre-foreclosure workshops, public speaking and authorship seminars for people who want to make a lot of money. Paul is host of The Wealthy Speaker Radio Show.

To learn more call (800) 476-8976

Paul Vann - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How I Found a Millionaire Mentor

by James_Cassa

On of my hobbies is studying wealthy people. From far off and up close. By up close I mean hanging out with them. I have my own millionaire mentor. She is a property developer who started from nothing and now owns property worth millions. How I found a millionaire and the steps I used to find one are what this article is about.


Let's define "Millionaire Mentor". It is someone who has started from nothing and now owns at least $2,000,000 worth of investment assets. This person gained wealth through sound financial principles. A strong financial position gives them plenty of time for family and friends, hobbies and interests. Part of their makeup is that they will pass on their knowledge to someone they consider worthwhile. This is a coaching or mentoring role. They don't do it for you. It is more like shining a light onto a stairway so you can see the steps.

The contacts, know how, and strategies they present are invaluable.


So why seek a millionaire mentor? Well I wanted to know is it possible to start from nothing in this country ( Australia for those of you reading this not in Australia) and go to massive wealth? At the time no one around me knew. Many of my friends had no money. They were just going to work to pay the bills and put food on the table. The treadmill of life. After watching myself and my friends , all of us in this position, it finally hit me. Do I want to spend the rest of my life doing this? So I stopped everything and dared to ask. "Can a person go from nothing in Australia to massive wealth?"
I found out the answer is yes.


A family member gave me a Jamie McIntyre DVD. It was called "What I didn't learn at school but wish I had". I put it on and watched it. Strangely enough I found myself watching it over and over again. He talks a lot about millionaire mentors . He mentioned the ideas and strategies he received from his mentors.

My mind started thinking "Wouldn't it be nice if I had a millionaire mentor. By watching the DVD over and over the desire to have one grew stronger. What I didn't know then was that the seed of desire was being planted into my subconscious mind. Once the desire grew to a certain size I had to act upon it. It drove me to physical action which made having a millionaire mentor a reality.



What stopped me from having a millionaire mentor in the first place was thoughts of "Not good enough", "Why would someone rich want to coach me","Millionaire mentors are hard to find". It was these thoughts that were holding me back. Many people have scripts in the mind that do not help them. These act as barriers to action and achievement. Some of them are conscious. Some are locked away in the subconscious below awareness.

I had to convince myself that I was good enough to attract a millionaire mentor. So I made a list of 5 goods financial habits. These things I take action on with my pay every week. Things such as saving 50% of my income. Until my mind thought I was good enough I knew that to act was useless. The change had to happen IN MY MIND FIRST. So I mapped out a weekly plan for my wages. My list looked something like this:

1. Save 50% of my income

2. Donate 10% to a worth cause

3. Had an open mind to new wealth strategies however hard the concept

4. Developed an ongoing Financial Intelligence Education through books and Seminars

5. A sincere desire to learn from a millionaire who had the patience to teach me.

Remember this list was created more to help me CONVINCE MYSELF than to impress others.



The next step was going out into the physical world to find a millionaire mentor. This involved meeting some weird characters but through persistence I found a millionaire who was willing to coach me. It takes courage and guts to go out and find one. But because I did so much inner work on my beliefs about wealth this step is actually the easiest.


The coaching that was given to me was through email and on to one conversation. A mixture of the old and new forms of communication.Then I was invited to meet some of my mentors' friends. I was totally intimidated. Just to give you an idea some of the conversation went like this. " I just got back from a holiday in Noosa. I bought a block of 6 units while I was there." Another one. " My 3 houses in Frankston are giving me a good yield. Not as good as my 3 townhouses in the inner CBD though!" The meeting with the investors totally blew my mind. It stretched me. WE all need mentors to help us stretch. Imagine if everyone had their own millionaire mentor. What a different world this would be.
